Since 1993
Pastor Jimmy Honeycutt
Pastor Jimmy Honeycutt was called into ministry when he turned 10 years old. He was assistant Pastor from the time he got out of High School and held many roles in the Church. When he took over in 1993 as Senior Pastor he was led by God to make some changes, that would prove to be divine order. The Church had always been an independent Church. In 20011 he decided to move into the Church Of God out of Chaffee Missouri where he became a Bishop and was Oklahoma State Rep. In the last few years he has been doing different roles helping in areas he could. While staying faithful to his calling he has started a new mission of Speak Life Global Ministries. Which is working on a new location to be housed. He has the same views and desires that God has placed in his life to see the lost come unto Christ. He has been working on a live broadcast that is scheduled to be back online in the near future.